Countermarketing Alcohol and Unhealthy Food: An Effective Strategy for Preventing Noncommunicable Diseases?

Building on the Institute’s work in youth countermarketing of unhealthy food, several Institute faculty and students, with Lori Dorfman at the Berkeley Media Studies Group have recently published an article in the 2017 Annual Review of Public Health on lessons from effective tobacco countermarketing for efforts to combat unhealthy food and alcohol marketing to prevent noncommunicable disease.

The article is free and available for download here:

Palmedo PC, Dorfman L, Garza S, Murphy E, Freudenberg N. Countermarketing Alcohol and Unhealthy Food: An Effective Strategy for Preventing Noncommunicable Diseases? Lessons from Tobacco. Annual Review of Public Health. 2017. Vol. 38:119-144. DOI: 10.1146/annurev-publhealth-031816-044303

more on couNTermarketing from the CUNY Urban Food Policy Institute: