On Tuesday, February 9th from 9:30-11:30 AM ET, several of the City’s leading food systems, anti-hunger and food justice organizations, including the CUNY Urban Food Policy Institute, will be convening the nonpartisan Mayoral Food Forum 2021: Town Hall on the Future of Food in New York City moderated by Errol Louis, Political Anchor, at NY1 News and broadcast on CUNY TV.
El martes 9 de febrero de 9:30-11:30 a.m. ET las principales organizaciones de sistemas alimentarios, lucha contra el hambre y la justicia alimentaria de la ciudad de Nueva York, incluido el Instituto de Política Alimentaria Urbana de CUNY, convocarán un foro imparcial de Candidatos a la Alcaldía para hablar sobre el futuro de la alimentación moderado por Errol Louis, presentador político de NY1 News. Se transmitirá por CUNY TV.
The purpose of this event is to understand and make public the key food priorities of the candidates running for mayor in the June 22nd Primary Election, including hunger, public nutrition programs, school food and other critical topics. To date, participating candidates include:
El propósito de este evento es comprender y abordar las prioridades alimentarias de cada uno de los candidatos a la alcaldía en las elecciones primarias del 22 de Junio. Los temas importantes a debatir serán: el hambre, los programas de nutrición pública, y la alimentación escolar. Actualmente, los candidatos participantes incluirán:
- Eric Adams
- Shaun Donovan
- Kathryn Garcia
- Ray McGuire
- Dianne Morales
- Scott Stringer
- Loree Sutton
- Joycelyn Taylor
- Maya Wiley
- Andrew Yang
The event will be hosted by the Hunter College NYC Food Policy Center, in collaboration with the NY Covid-19 Food Coalition, including City Harvest, the CUNY Urban Food Policy Institute, Equity Advocates, Food Bank for NYC, Hunger Free America, UJA-Federation of NY, LiveOn NY, United Way of NYC and the Laurie M. Tisch Center for Food, Education & Policy at Columbia University.